søndag 20. november 2011

Looting 'fuelled by social exclusion'

-          The difference between looting and rioting is that rioters causes problems in the society by protesting and causing general problems, usually because they’re angry and feel that something’s wrong with the society.  Looting on the other hand basically means stealing and taking stuff that doesn’t belong to you.

-          Meanings:

social exclusion - not fitting into the society, and that the society makes outsiders.
disregard social norms  - neither caring or obeying the rules in the society.
high-unemployment – many inhabitants without jobs
criminologist - scientist on the theme criminality
opportunism - doing things you usually wouldn’t have done,  just because you get the chance
lack of intervention - lack of action, participation and influence.
consumerism - using more than you need and the need of having lots of things. The material society is one factor causes people to consume more and more.
catalyst of unrest, - The trigging factor for a case or event. (Something that lit fires in peoples mentality).

-          I think this could have happened in Oslo, but not in Trondheim. In Oslo there’s way more people and it would have been much easier to create that kind of mob, but it still . Here in Trondheim it would have been even harder and there’s better living conditions for everybody here than in Oslo and way better than in London. Of course the looting itself could happen anywhere but here in Norway overall people have enough money and don’t need to steal and know that the punishments will cause a lot of problems for them later.

-          The social conditions in England is very variable, the upper class inhabitants lives in luxury while the lower class inhabitants live in ghettoes and getting a good education is hard and therefore it’s hard to get a decent job. This unfair system could have caused a lot of anger in the lower classes which may have caused the riots.



- En gutt står på en scene foran en sa, han ser nervøs ut, publikum er ikke til stede.
-Bildet er tatt i fugleperspektiv og totalt utsnitt, dette gjør at objektet virker "svakere".
-Det at bildet er på langs skaper en kontrast med de vertikale linjene i bildet altså mellom motivet og formatet.  Motivets vertikale linjer symnboliserer uroen i personen, mens formatet symboliserer det at folk rundt ikke deler den samme nervøsiteten. Setenes farge er også en kontrast med scenens mørke farger. Dette er også et symbol på at andre folk rundt de nervøse, ikke er nervøse på samme måte.

-Bildet i seg selv symboliserer at folk er redd for å vise seg for andre (et publikum) , fordi de ikke er fornøyde med seg selv.
-Bildet er dystert på grunn av det dempede lyset og scenens mørke farger. Dette symboliserer personens nervøsitet og frykt for omgivelsene.
-Det at salen er tom viser at man kan være nervøs ved seg salv og ikke bare blandt andre folk.
-Salens tomhet er et bilde på at personen også føler en tomhet.

søndag 23. oktober 2011

Goodbye Hong Kong

After several great days in Hong Kong theres time to go back to Norway. It was a lot of fun staying here and I will be remembering it for the rest of my life. I have learned a lot about the history and culture, and experienced even more, but there's still very much that i would like to see and do. Right now we're at the huge airport in hong kong waiting for our plane. The airport itself is placed on a pretty big island and is propably the biggest airport i've seen and theres incredibly many people here. The trip back to Norway takes about 12 hours so I' m going to sleep on the plane or else i'm going to get bored.
Bye bye Hong Kong I will come  some day, I promise.
Hong Kong international airport:
A bird's eye view of Hong Kong International Airport.JPG

A new day

Dear blog
Today we have been trying to combine sightseeing and just enjoying the city. We have been going to several districts to feel the atmosphere and see where the locals go. The “ladies market” for example was crowded with locals that needed some new clothes, there were also a lot of tourists there of course. We also went to some famous streets to go for a walk and a new apple store apparently had just opened. There was an enormous queue because everybody wanted their hands on the new Iphone. It has been an enormous success down here and in the news it stood about a man that actually had bought 82 phones to sell them to others.
The sudden iphone explosion probably has something to do with the economic growth in Hong Kong. The rich people want to show off their money with a Smartphone. They want to distance themselves from the poor people in the city/state that really have problems since there’s hard to find a place to live because it costs a lot. Hong Kong like China has gotten a system where the rich people are really rich and the poor people on the other hand are really poor. Li Ka-Shing for instance is one of the really rich in Hong Kong; actually he is one of the richest men in the world. He’s probably the richest man to drop out of high school with his 26 billion dollars. Even his name sounds like money (ka-shing- ka-ching). Hopefully the economic development will change so everybody will get something out of it.


Hey everybody, after just walking around in the city two days ago we found out that it was just about time to actually find out something about the sights in Hong Kong. So yesterday we went to Victoria peak which is a mountain located in Hong Kong. We took a train up to the peak tower, it was pretty cool to just sit down and relax and enjoy the view while the train was carrying us several hundred meters up the mountain.  The train’s route was approximately just 1.4 kilometers, but we spared a lot of time because the train goes both down to the Victoria gap and then up to the Peak Tower which is located about 400 meters above the gap. A trip like that would have been pretty exhausting. When we arrived at the tower we went up to the upper floors and looked out over the extraordinary city, it was even more beautiful than being there. This is how the city looked from the Victoria Peak:

Today we went to see the giant Buddha in Hong Kong and as the name says: it is huge! The Tian Tan Buddha as its actually called is 34 meters tall and made out of Bronze.  90% of the population in Hong Kong is Buddhists so the statue is not made as a tourist attraction, but for the religious. The reason the religion is so big here is because Hong Kong was a part of china before and china is famous for Buddhism. You don’t really notice that much of a difference from china, the food is pretty spicy and rice is used a lot. The language is also mainly Chinese and the people look exactly the same, but Hong Kong is a sovereign state with a Sovereign government and flag, and Hong Kong is not a communist country like China. The flag Hong Kong is red with a white orchid tree in the middle. It symbolizes that Hong Kong and China is one Country with two systems because it is similar to the chinese flag with the red background, but it still is completely different.. 
The Tian Tan Buddha:

English in Hong Kong

As I mentioned in my last post, there's a lot of people in Hong Kong. The people here are generally really friendly and pretty short. Even though english is one of the official languages in Hong Kong there's just 1/3 of the population who can speak English. Just 200.000 have English as a mother language. The reason English actually is recognized as an official language comes from the time Hong Kong was an English colony and the population had to learn English.
From 1997 when Hong Kong got its sovereignity, the focus on english has turned weaker, and it gets weaker as time goes by. You can say that since 1997 Hong Kong has gotten more and more Chinese. It really came to me as a surprise that most people did not speak English when Hong Kong is an English speaking country. Ordering food and shopping in the tourist streets goes fine, but taking cabs is pretty difficult.

lørdag 22. oktober 2011

Finally here

Hi ecerybody, after weeks of waiting i have finally arrived here in Hong Kong. My first impression is that everything except the people is way bigger than us norwegians. The scyscrapers, the crowded streets and the food feels pretty strange when youre from a norwegian city where the tallest tower is about 80 metres tall and there is room for gardens outside of people's houses. The ex colony of Britain have 2 million habitants more than norway, but the country itself is 380 times smaller than Norway. I am looking forward to some memorable days here in Hong Kong.

File:Flag of Hong Kong.svg

onsdag 28. september 2011

Analysis of an analysis

The analysis of "The butterflies" was quite good. The writer showed that he/she understood the meaning behind this story. He/she also said what she had learned from it by saying that she will be thinking more about how something that you find beautiful, can cause a lot of problems for others. Evidence from the text was also used from the text. <<"They are poor, they grow their own food and have little or no education, which you can tell by how proud they are that their granddaughter is attending school: “And clever,” the grandfather said [about his granddaughter]. “Writes every day in her book.”>> The writer also managed to combine the introduction and the conclusion in an elegant way that felt completely natural.

Blood Diamond

A) Hi I’m Håkon. I am a 16 years old boy from Trondheim, and I have been living here almost all my life. Right after I was born my family moved to Perpignan in the south of France, but we moved back to Trondheim about when I turned 1. I live on Stubban with my family. We live very close to the ghetto of Trondheim, Risvollan. In my spare time I like to exercise, play the guitar, listen to music, watch movies and being with my friends. I also do a lot of homework in my spare time but that is not something that I enjoy doing. 

Blood diamond was a great movie. It was captivating, touching and also enjoyable. The civil war and the conflict diamonds was centered in this movie and I learned a lot about how war often is financed and how conflict diamonds get onto the worldwide market. The characters were pretty well thought out. One for example symbolized how war can change a person, and also how somebody can drastically change from being selfish, to giving his life to save others. Another character was Solomon; he showed how far someone could go to save his loved ones.

fredag 23. september 2011

Mislykket kommunikasjon

Et eksempel for mislykket kommunikasjon under få meg på for faen var da Alma og hennes mor snakket sammen. Alma prøvde å fortelle at hun hadde hatt en seksuell oppvåkning da moren fikk se telefonregningen,  men fordi moren syntes det var ubehagelig å snakke om et slikt tema med datteren hennes. Dette skapte problemer senere fordi når de så hverandre etter
Et eksempel for vellykket kommunikasjon var for eksempel da, Almas venn snakket med Kjartan. De snakket litt sammen og fant ut at de hadde mye til felles, selv om de trodde at deres syn ikke var delt med noen andre i nærmiljøet.

Når du argumenterer så er det viktig å tenke på hvilke motargumenter den du argumenter mot kan komme med og forberede at forsvar mot et slikt mot argument. Det er viktig å holde seg saklig og ikke angripe den du argumenterer mot. Å forberede en liste med argumenter kan være lurt, fordi da kan du tenke ut måter å framlegge argumentet sitt.

torsdag 22. september 2011

Gjesteinnlegg !

Hei alle sammen, Anners  her, bare stikker en tur innom denne fantastiske bloggen, nå er det engelsktime, og dope jobber nesten ikke i det hele tatt! Hans mangel på arbeidslyst har aldri vært verre, men nok om det. I dag skal vi på kino og se pikkeAlma i filmen ''få meg på for faan''(Make me horney now, for christ sake. Det blir überkleint, men håkon gleder seg vilt. I dag har han på seg en lilla moods of norwaygenser, olabukser, og en hvit tshorte. siden dette er en engelsk/norsk blogg må jeg egentlig skrive om det, men jeg vet hvor mye håkon elsker blogging, ettersom at han både abonerer på Lars Tangen og Voe, så jeg er litt bad ass og tar litt old fashion blogging for å få denne bloggen på bena. I kveld skal håkon se brokeback mountain, helt alene, så alle dere single gutter der ute kan jo ta dere en tur hjemom han i kveld for litt filmkos!

nå må jeg stikke, men ta turen innom www.kremenavkremenavkremen.blogg.no og www.annerspews.bloggspot.com for mer spennende blogging om klasselivet og lekser !