søndag 20. november 2011

Looting 'fuelled by social exclusion'

-          The difference between looting and rioting is that rioters causes problems in the society by protesting and causing general problems, usually because they’re angry and feel that something’s wrong with the society.  Looting on the other hand basically means stealing and taking stuff that doesn’t belong to you.

-          Meanings:

social exclusion - not fitting into the society, and that the society makes outsiders.
disregard social norms  - neither caring or obeying the rules in the society.
high-unemployment – many inhabitants without jobs
criminologist - scientist on the theme criminality
opportunism - doing things you usually wouldn’t have done,  just because you get the chance
lack of intervention - lack of action, participation and influence.
consumerism - using more than you need and the need of having lots of things. The material society is one factor causes people to consume more and more.
catalyst of unrest, - The trigging factor for a case or event. (Something that lit fires in peoples mentality).

-          I think this could have happened in Oslo, but not in Trondheim. In Oslo there’s way more people and it would have been much easier to create that kind of mob, but it still . Here in Trondheim it would have been even harder and there’s better living conditions for everybody here than in Oslo and way better than in London. Of course the looting itself could happen anywhere but here in Norway overall people have enough money and don’t need to steal and know that the punishments will cause a lot of problems for them later.

-          The social conditions in England is very variable, the upper class inhabitants lives in luxury while the lower class inhabitants live in ghettoes and getting a good education is hard and therefore it’s hard to get a decent job. This unfair system could have caused a lot of anger in the lower classes which may have caused the riots.



- En gutt står på en scene foran en sa, han ser nervøs ut, publikum er ikke til stede.
-Bildet er tatt i fugleperspektiv og totalt utsnitt, dette gjør at objektet virker "svakere".
-Det at bildet er på langs skaper en kontrast med de vertikale linjene i bildet altså mellom motivet og formatet.  Motivets vertikale linjer symnboliserer uroen i personen, mens formatet symboliserer det at folk rundt ikke deler den samme nervøsiteten. Setenes farge er også en kontrast med scenens mørke farger. Dette er også et symbol på at andre folk rundt de nervøse, ikke er nervøse på samme måte.

-Bildet i seg selv symboliserer at folk er redd for å vise seg for andre (et publikum) , fordi de ikke er fornøyde med seg selv.
-Bildet er dystert på grunn av det dempede lyset og scenens mørke farger. Dette symboliserer personens nervøsitet og frykt for omgivelsene.
-Det at salen er tom viser at man kan være nervøs ved seg salv og ikke bare blandt andre folk.
-Salens tomhet er et bilde på at personen også føler en tomhet.